Wednesday, January 13, 2016


The Manchester United manager Louis Van Gaal has said that he is bored and even angry watching his team play.

Van Gaal said:
There are matches that I have enjoyed very much. Against Chelsea I have enjoyed it but the result was 0-0 and we could have lost. There are also matches where I’m very bored or angry because we are not disorganizing our opponent’s defense, but that is football.

He said:
It’s not every match that every club is playing fantastically, football that attracts the people. But that is also why the fans are coming. They can criticize but they can also cheer the players.
They have been ironic [against Sheffield United], but that’s also an expression of the fans and that’s good. Also the players were frustrated and the fans are frustrated.You have to know that as a player, as a manager and the fans that we can’t always play fantastic football and that was also the case in former days when it didn’t happen. I’m sorry about that but it is like that
the coach noted.

Van Gaal has also come under fire for not getting off of his seat and encouraging players from the touchline.

He commented:
I’m not Sir Alex Ferguson, as you know. Everybody is different and I don’t believe in yelling from the sidelines. I believe in communication during the week, during the preparation and I believe in my players who have to perform.

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